Dear Student of Money Market Funds & Cash Investing:
Thank you to those who attended and supported our recent Money Fund University in Providence! Mark your calendars for next year’s show, which will be in Pittsburgh, Dec. 18-19, 2025. Watch for registration to go live in the spring of 2025.... Money Fund University offers an affordable and comprehensive, day-and-a-half, "basic training" course on money market mutual funds. The 2025 event will again feature “Instruments of the Money Market” breakout sessions, as well as additional session on the most recent money market fund regulations. Let us know if you're interested in sponsoring or if you'd like more details!
Money Fund University covers the history of money funds, interest rates, regulations (Rule 2a-7), ratings, rankings, money market instruments such as commercial paper, CDs and repo, and portfolio construction and credit analysis. We also include segments on offshore money funds and ultra-short bond funds. New portfolio managers, analysts, investors, issuers, service providers, and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of "cash" investing will benefit from our comprehensive program. Even experienced professionals should enjoy this refresher course and the opportunity to interact with peers in an informal setting. Attendee registrations are $750 and sponsorship opportunities are $2K, $3K, $4K and $5K.
Crane Data publishes the Money Fund Intelligence newsletter, and produces Money Fund Symposium, the largest money market fund conference in the world. Visit us at http://www.cranedata.com for news and information. Visit https://www.cranesbfsymposium.com to learn more about our next Bond Fund Symposium, which will be held March 27-28, 2025 in Newport Beach, Calif.; visit https://www.cranesmfsymposium.com to learn more about our big show, Money Fund Symposium, which is scheduled for June 23-25, 2025, in Boston, Mass; and, visit http://www.craneeurosymposium.com to learn about our next "offshore" money fund event, European Money Fund Symposium, which is scheduled for Sept. 25-26, 2025 in Dublin.
Peter G. Crane
President & Publisher
Crane Data – Money Fund Intelligence